Why work with us

Partner with us to amplify your passion and achieve the results your business truly deserves.

Are you passionate about what you do?

We don't want to be a flashy, award-winning, ethics-lacking agency.

What we strive for, is working with entrepreneurs that enjoy what they do. That they actually create offerings that benefits others. That aren't here just for a quick buck.

Sounds like you? Then, we would love to work with you, and realize your goals - and we are both passionate and competent in doing so!

Do Something Great neon sign
Do Something Great neon sign

Our Core Values

We create effective strategies that promote your passion and achieve your business goals.

three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

Passionate, Win-Win Partnerships

We collaborate with clients who love what they do and drive results together.

Pragmatic Mindset

Our pragmatic, effective approach ensures your business receives the attention it truly deserves.

Authenticity & Honesty

We stay true to our goals, capabilities, and vision. 

Strategaze played a pivotal role in building the website copies - with the proper tone-of-voice and SEO in mind - and brand image for my project, Solarp, realizing it as I envisioned it!


Athens, Greece

We've been working for 5+ years with Strategaze, and we've done it all together; from our social media presence to our website redesign, to a campaign that brought us 55000+ views over 3 years. Safe to say, we still work together on how to conquer the Greek packaged ice market.

Nice Ice

Thessaloniki, Greece


Client Feedback

Our marketing projects are out there, winning the hearts of many.
Here's what our previous clients have to say!

Strategaze helped us create a successful email marketing newsletter from scratch. They found the perfect platform, set it up for us, and trained us on how to use it. Our emails consistently had open rates of 30-45%.

Katerini, Greece

Strategaze's engaging, informative posts, their unique, in-line with our branding, and beautiful image templates, and their spot-on Google Ads with at least +6% CTR, increased the number of visitors and booked appointments for our Dental Tourism company by 100%!

Skopje, North Macedonia


Strategaze helped us utilize email marketing to convert leads and engage and retain our clients, with high email opening rates. They found the best platform for what we seek and trained us on using it.

Katerini, Greece
